The Small Business Development Certificate Program is designed to prepare students to properly set up a business or organization and develop a solid business and marketing plan. Students will also have the opportunity to gain good marketing and accounting practices while they learn how to properly maintain that organization’s finances and corporate image. Small Business Development certificate-seeking students are trained to be successful economically when representing and fulfilling the mission of their organization, as well as represent the Kingdom of God. After completing this certificate program, students are equipped to intelligently and responsibly lay the ground work for a successful business or organization.


BUS 101 - Properly Structuring Your Business

BUS 110 - Accounting Solutions for the Savvy, Christian Business Owner

BUS 111 - Fine-Tuning Your Brand, PART I: Marketing Your Company in the 21st Century

Electives (please select one)

MIN 221 - Developing Christian Leaders
--OR -- 
SPH 110 - Speech Communications

BUS 112 - Fine-Tuning Your Brand, PART II: Promoting Your Company in the 21st Century

BUS 114 - Putting Your Business' Best Face Forward

BUS 120 - Business Finance

Electives (please select one)

OTCE 101 - Business Etiquette From A Christian Perspective 

MAT 101 - Personal Stewardship

BUS 200 - Goal Setting

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Small Business Development Certificate Program??

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