-dr. Marilyn Gool
MTCC President / VCC, Inc. Senior Pastor
Greetings from our President
At a time when deception is running rampant in and outside of the Church, we need to appreciate sound Biblical doctrine and take advantage of schools like More Than Conquerors College. Founded to train and equip men and women to carry on the work of the ministry, our college has helped so many do just that in the United States as well as other countries overseas. Preparing those called to the five-fold ministry to fulfill their assignments, teaching those in the ministry of helps so they can be a blessing to their pastors, and assisting Christians with their spiritual growth and development, MTCC has maintained a solid Bible-based curriculum. We have also provided education in secular subjects in a Godly environment to help Christian men and women excel in business and other life experiences.
Judges 2:10 tells of a spiritually ignorant generation arising after Joshua and all the elders who outlived him passed away. The staff of our college are dedicated to passing on our godly heritage to as many as we can reach who will in turn affect many more people and ensure that following generations will be spiritually and biblically intelligent. I am honored to step up to the plate after the passing of our founder, Robyn Jay Gool, and help carry on the tradition he started. We worked together as a team when he was here, and the baton was given to me in November 2022. I humbly pray that his memory will be honored in how I fulfill the task given to me.
Greetings from our Founder
-Dr. Robyn Gool
MTCC Founder
In the book of Habakkuk, we are told that visions are for an appointed time. In the book of Ecclesiastes, we are told that for everything there is a time and season. In Galatians, the Bible declares; “In the fullness of time, God sent forth…”
Several years before the inception of More Than Conquerors College, the Spirit of God began to speak to me about a school that would equip the laity and those called into five-fold ministry to be more effective and productive for Him. After carrying this as a mother does a child, I came to realize that the appointed time had come. In April of 1991, the institution was born.
As we approach the return of Christ, mighty warriors of God will be demonstrating the power of the Spirit and the defeat of our enemy. Students of More Than Conquerors College will be challenged, motivated, and prepared to be in the forefront of the most powerful explosion of the works of the Holy Spirit this world has ever known. As Daniel 11:32 declares, “….the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.”
Instruction will be provided by men and women who are qualified, experienced, and seeking more of God. In addition, proven, successful men and women in the ministry will address the student body and class periodically.
Hands-on training will be available through the ministry opportunities of Victory Christian Center and other churches. This will allow the student to see and experience practical application of the principles and concepts taught in the classroom. Could this be your appointed time for in-depth, structured study or training as a layman or a minister? Has God been speaking to you about the School of Bible or School of Ministry?