Healing-Connecting the Spiritual to the Natural


Healing-Connecting the Spiritual to the Natural


This class will be a study of links between the natural and spiritual realms when it comes to health. Many illnesses have spiritual root causes. What is referred to as generational curses is the result of familiar spirits that have functioned in a family in the past.  Since Christians are not under curses, how can these spirits manage to afflict them with the diseases of their predecessors?  Can understanding of these things help people become free of the influence of these spirits in terms of prevention or deliverance? These questions and others will be explored in an effort to enable us to help people become and remain healthy. Proverbs 11:9 reveals that knowledge can be liberating. 
Price includes tuition, DVD and textbook.


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HEA103: Healing- Connecting the Spiritual to the Natural

Credits: 3

Instructor: M Gool